German new age fusion!
A minor new age/fusion group from Germany involving members of TRI ATMA.
Includes "Feeling Nature", "Traveling Light" and other comfortable fusion numbers that cross over New Age music!
Released from Selected Sound in Germany, which is familiar with the release of high-quality library sound sources! Released in 1984. [NEW AGE] [FUSION] [GERMANY]
B-4 Rochade LISTEN (Open in New Window)
A minor new age/fusion group from Germany involving members of TRI ATMA.
Includes "Feeling Nature", "Traveling Light" and other comfortable fusion numbers that cross over New Age music!
Released from Selected Sound in Germany, which is familiar with the release of high-quality library sound sources! Released in 1984. [NEW AGE] [FUSION] [GERMANY]
B-4 Rochade LISTEN (Open in New Window)